

The Watershed Association of South Harwich (WASH) is a non-profit organization formed to address local water quality issues that in 1998 resulted in severe degradation of water quality in Skinequit Pond, an 18-acre kettle pond located south of Route 28, in South Harwich, MA. WASH maintains a SolarBee, which is a solar-powered device that helps circulate and oxygenate pond water, to suppress algae blooms and promote a healthy fresh-water aquatic ecosystem. WASH also advocates for remediation of ground water pollution caused by septic system leaching upstream from Skinequit, storm water run-off, and excessive use of phosphorus-rich and nitrogen-rich lawn treatments.


The Board and members of W.A.S.H. welcome any and all households on and around Skinequit Pond to become members. Annual contributions of $150 per household are used to support the maintenance and capital requirements of the Solar Bee, perform water testing as needed and build reserves to prepare for the long-term need to replace the Solar Bee. An annual meeting is held each summer to review pond health, the performance and maintenance of the Solar Bee, finances and any other relevant matters. It is also an opportunity to meet your neighbors around the pond!

W.A.S.H. is a 501(c)3 organization; all contributions are tax deductible.


  • Anne Helgen, President
  • Mike Curtin, Vice-President
  • Joe Seidel, Treasurer
  • Andy Thompson, Clerk